marthe dupeyron

Friday, March 17, 2006

This winter in lozere was very cold up to -15 degrees. We have had lot of snow.

Duck breasts
1 Shallot, Salt, pepper
50 gr. of Pine nuts
2 duck steaks 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar 2 tablespoons of liquid Honey
Heat some oil in a frying pan.
Roast the Pine nuts 2 minutes. Reserve.
Place the steaklets on the skin side.
Fry them for 6 minutes over a hot gas.
The skin must be golden brown.
Peel and slice the shallot.
Withdraw the steaklets.
Throw the used oil away.
Put the steaklets back in the pan and leave to cook 2 to 3 minutes on the other side
Keep the steaklets warm and prepare sauce.
Add shallot in the frying pan.
When it is transparent, add the vinegar.
Leave to reduce one minute then add the honey.
Mix well. Add the steaklets.
Coat them with sauce.
Serve with roasted pine nuts. Accompany by a gratin Dauphinois for example. It’s very delicious.


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